World Tiger Day is an international annual event on 29 July, dedicated to the conservation and protection of the world's tigers.
Tiger is the national animal of India. Until 1972, the lion was the national animal of India. It was later changed to a tiger.
The tiger is called the world's largest cat and a powerful predator. At full speed, tigers can reach 65 km / h. and catch their prey at a speed of 40 km / h. The one who dies on his prey with sharp claws and teeth having sharp nails and teeth. Usually draws its prey with its teeth and claws. Tigers are solitary hunters and generally seek food alone at night. If the animal is large, then it bites its neck. If the animal is small, it breaks its neck. There are fewer tigers in the group. The tigers live separately from each other. And in the forest, there is a mark in your area with claws in your urine and trees so that the other cannot enter. 24 to 28 kilograms (60 to 80 pound) is called mass, but sometimes 4 to 6 kilograms (5 to 8 pound) of mass is left over from the leaves and dirt. So that the tigers come back to feed after a few days. The wagons have long front legs, which gives them the ability to leap 20 - 30 feet forward in one jump. The night vision of a tiger is six times better than that of a human. They can carry 10 feet (3 m) of their body weight on a tree twice. A tiger's tail is about three feet long and helps balance them when making tight turns.
The female tiger produces at least 2 or 3 children of more cubs. The number can be more than 7. There is a weight of 1 kg (2.2 POUND) at birth. Born cubs blind their eyes and helpless cubs give birth. Who will take care of him until he is one-and-a-half years old. These cubs quadruple in size during their first month! No two tigers have the same stripes. The tigers are powerful swimmers and complete swimming for great distances to hunt or cross rivers. Young tigers often play in the water and adults take pleasure in streams or lakes to keep calm during the heat of the day. Their distinctive streaks provide camouflage for tigers while hunting.
Species and gestational period
There are nine species of tiger in the whole world. Today, there are six species of tiger.
1. Bengal tiger - This tiger is found in India and Bangladesh. They are the most common type of tiger.
2. Tiger of Siberia - It is the largest of tigers and is found in eastern Siberia.
3. Sumitran Tiger - Found on the island of Sumatra, these are the smallest types of tigers.
4. Indo-Chinese tigers - These tigers found in Indochina are smaller than Bengal tigers and prefer to live in mountainous forests.
5. Tiger of South China - It is the most endangered type of tiger. They are critically endangered and near extinction.
6. Malayan Tiger - This tiger is found only at the tip of the Malayan Peninsula.
Three subspecies of tiger have become extinct
7. Caspian tiger - which was found in eastern Turkey.
8. Bali tigers - which were found in Indonesia.
9. Jawan tiger - who lived exclusively on the island of Java in Indonesia.
Liger tiger - A male lion and a female tiger will produce a liger.
The female tiger has a gestation period of 93 - 112 days (up to about 102 days).
Population and sound range
1. The number of wild tigers has increased globally for the first time. Based on the best available data, the WWF and the Global Tiger Forum (GTF) have announced that there are now around 3,900 wild tigers.
2. India is home to 2,226 wild tigers. Which is 2/3 of the tiger population in the world. The government has created the National Tiger Conservation Authority, which has 49 reserves across India.
3. There are no white tigers in the forest today. The last time was in 1958 was shot by a trophy hunter. There are 200 white tigers in captivity, the product of nine generations of inbreeding. White tigers usually have blue eyes.
4. Today, tigers live in different parts of Asia in countries such as India, Burma, Russia, China, Laos, Thailand, and Indonesia. They live in a variety of habitats, from tropical rain forests to mangrove swamps.
You can hear the roar of the tiger up to two miles away.(The roar of a tiger can be heard from about three to five kilometers away)
Color and size
There are three definite colors of tigers: - Standard orange and black stripes, white and black or deep stripes, and golden tiger with cinnamon stripes.
Length: - Male 2.5 - 3.9 m (adult), Female: 2 - 2.8 m (adult)
Tail length: 2.3 - 3.6 ft (.7 to 1.1 m)
Males are larger in size and weight than females.
Lifespan and weight
The average lifespan of a wild tiger is 10 - 15 years. But on this rare occasion, they have been non-living for 26 years in the wild. The average lifespan of a domesticated tiger is 15 - 20 years and can live up to 22 years.
Weight: - Male 90 - 310 kg (adult), Female: 65 - 170 kg (adult)
Tigers are hunted for their skins as well as other parts of the body, which many people use in traditional medicine. Fast, it is traded at the international level.
Food and traffic
Tigers are carnivorous, eating only meat. Mainly feeding on large mammals such as deer, wild boar, antelope, and buffalo. But they can kill and eat everything from small birds to the occasional elephant. They will also eat fish, rabbits, and small rodents if large prey is not found. They are called all animals.
The Tiger is captured and used for entertainment such as - circus and zoo, etc.
Wild and domesticated
It is a carnivorous wild animal that is found in jungles. Some people also keep tigers in captivity and raise them.
Charities and foundations
Tiger Woods has supported the following charities listed.
1. Caddy for a Cure
2. Rainforest foundation Fund
3. Shriners Hospitals for Children
4. TGR Foundation
5. Tiger Woods Learning Center
Others have more charities and foundations to support the save TIGER
Like WWF and so on.
World Tiger Day is an international annual event on 29 July, dedicated to the conservation and protection of the world's tigers.
Tiger is the national animal of India. Until 1972, the lion was the national animal of India. It was later changed to a tiger.
The tiger is called the world's largest cat and a powerful predator. At full speed, tigers can reach 65 km / h. and catch their prey at a speed of 40 km / h. The one who dies on his prey with sharp claws and teeth having sharp nails and teeth. Usually draws its prey with its teeth and claws. Tigers are solitary hunters and generally seek food alone at night. If the animal is large, then it bites its neck. If the animal is small, it breaks its neck. There are fewer tigers in the group. The tigers live separately from each other. And in the forest, there is a mark in your area with claws in your urine and trees so that the other cannot enter. 24 to 28 kilograms (60 to 80 pound) is called mass, but sometimes 4 to 6 kilograms (5 to 8 pound) of mass is left over from the leaves and dirt. So that the tigers come back to feed after a few days. The wagons have long front legs, which gives them the ability to leap 20 - 30 feet forward in one jump. The night vision of a tiger is six times better than that of a human. They can carry 10 feet (3 m) of their body weight on a tree twice. A tiger's tail is about three feet long and helps balance them when making tight turns.
The female tiger produces at least 2 or 3 children of more cubs. The number can be more than 7. There is a weight of 1 kg (2.2 POUND) at birth. Born cubs blind their eyes and helpless cubs give birth. Who will take care of him until he is one-and-a-half years old. These cubs quadruple in size during their first month! No two tigers have the same stripes. The tigers are powerful swimmers and complete swimming for great distances to hunt or cross rivers. Young tigers often play in the water and adults take pleasure in streams or lakes to keep calm during the heat of the day. Their distinctive streaks provide camouflage for tigers while hunting.
Species and gestational period
There are nine species of tiger in the whole world. Today, there are six species of tiger.
1. Bengal tiger - This tiger is found in India and Bangladesh. They are the most common type of tiger.
2. Tiger of Siberia - It is the largest of tigers and is found in eastern Siberia.
3. Sumitran Tiger - Found on the island of Sumatra, these are the smallest types of tigers.
4. Indo-Chinese tigers - These tigers found in Indochina are smaller than Bengal tigers and prefer to live in mountainous forests.
5. Tiger of South China - It is the most endangered type of tiger. They are critically endangered and near extinction.
6. Malayan Tiger - This tiger is found only at the tip of the Malayan Peninsula.
Three subspecies of tiger have become extinct
7. Caspian tiger - which was found in eastern Turkey.
8. Bali tigers - which were found in Indonesia.
9. Jawan tiger - who lived exclusively on the island of Java in Indonesia.
Liger tiger - A male lion and a female tiger will produce a liger.
The female tiger has a gestation period of 93 - 112 days (up to about 102 days).
Population and sound range
1. The number of wild tigers has increased globally for the first time. Based on the best available data, the WWF and the Global Tiger Forum (GTF) have announced that there are now around 3,900 wild tigers.
2. India is home to 2,226 wild tigers. Which is 2/3 of the tiger population in the world. The government has created the National Tiger Conservation Authority, which has 49 reserves across India.
3. There are no white tigers in the forest today. The last time was in 1958 was shot by a trophy hunter. There are 200 white tigers in captivity, the product of nine generations of inbreeding. White tigers usually have blue eyes.
4. Today, tigers live in different parts of Asia in countries such as India, Burma, Russia, China, Laos, Thailand, and Indonesia. They live in a variety of habitats, from tropical rain forests to mangrove swamps.
You can hear the roar of the tiger up to two miles away.(The roar of a tiger can be heard from about three to five kilometers away)
Color and size
There are three definite colors of tigers: - Standard orange and black stripes, white and black or deep stripes, and golden tiger with cinnamon stripes.
Length: - Male 2.5 - 3.9 m (adult), Female: 2 - 2.8 m (adult)
Tail length: 2.3 - 3.6 ft (.7 to 1.1 m)
Males are larger in size and weight than females.
Lifespan and weight
The average lifespan of a wild tiger is 10 - 15 years. But on this rare occasion, they have been non-living for 26 years in the wild. The average lifespan of a domesticated tiger is 15 - 20 years and can live up to 22 years.
Weight: - Male 90 - 310 kg (adult), Female: 65 - 170 kg (adult)
Tigers are hunted for their skins as well as other parts of the body, which many people use in traditional medicine. Fast, it is traded at the international level.
Food and traffic
Tigers are carnivorous, eating only meat. Mainly feeding on large mammals such as deer, wild boar, antelope, and buffalo. But they can kill and eat everything from small birds to the occasional elephant. They will also eat fish, rabbits, and small rodents if large prey is not found. They are called all animals.
The Tiger is captured and used for entertainment such as - circus and zoo, etc.
Wild and domesticated
It is a carnivorous wild animal that is found in jungles. Some people also keep tigers in captivity and raise them.
Charities and foundations
Tiger Woods has supported the following charities listed.
1. Caddy for a Cure
2. Rainforest foundation Fund
3. Shriners Hospitals for Children
4. TGR Foundation
5. Tiger Woods Learning Center
Others have more charities and foundations to support the save TIGER
Like WWF and so on.
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